$77.00 USD

Read our terms and conditions of this purchase HERE. However, a few key call outs: 

  • This purchase is non-refundable.
  • Coach Social LLC Does Not Guarantee Results.
  • You may not duplicate, disseminate, distribute, or otherwise disclose any part for any reason to third parties.

WTHTP Summit VIP Kit

That’s where you can.... 

  • Listen to every speaker as often as you want and whenever you want.

  • Get free coaching with me, Sophia Parra.

  • Snag all the get un-stuck tools on all kinds of topics: Ranging from social media content all the way to collaboration tools that make you money. 

  • PLUS our Fix Your Feed training and templates (because 80% of the coaches I know aren’t even set up to receive clients but have no idea)

  • And the best part? Every single penny goes to Stroke of Life, where stroke victims go to get back on their feet using the power of fitness (which is exactly what my husband did to experience a miraculous recovery after his stroke in 2019!